Jan Jacob Stam

Control as a Symptom in Leadership. Iveta Apine


Control as a Symptom in Leadership. Iveta Apine


In this workshop we will explore the different faces of control in leadership from a systemic perspective.  



  • Is control a symptom that mirrors an innate lack of order?  
  • Or might it be a reaction to resistance?  
  • A powerful symbol of consistency or a darker reflection of extreme imbalance?  
  • How might we think of and relate to control when we assume a leadership role, either inside or outside of an organization?  
  • Which aspects derive from our personal history or family dynamics?  
  • And which aspects arise in reaction to known or latent organisational systemic patterns?



We will begin with a discussion of relevant theory then facilitate a constellation for a volunteer participant from the group as well as small group exercises specifically designed to deepen our understanding of control as a pattern in leadership.


Join us in exploring this important and timely topic together!




About Iveta Apine


Founder and director of the Systemic Constellations Center Riga, affiliated trainer of the Bert Hellinger Institute (the Netherlands), business trainer, consultant, constellator, coach, has been consulting people and organizations for more than 20 years, including the last 12 years in a systemic-phenomenological approach.


Teaches learning programs on a systemic approach in Europe, and online around the world. PhD eng sc student. She is married and has two daughters.




Tijd en data: 



16.00 CET - 19.00 CET


13 maart 2024



Prijs 35 Euro




Overige praktische details


De workshop wordt in het Engels gegeven. 

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If you have any questions or haven't received the link, please let us know at info@systemic-leadership.global or contact course moderators:

  • for English language speakers: Daria Les, +37128012758
  • para las personas hispanohablantes: Marta Uxó de la Yglesia +34 607 38 10 06
  • для носителей русского языка: Maya van der Heijdt - Vasilyeva +31 646 90 95 85

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