founder ' s greeting

I have tried the power of a systemic approach on myself. This approach offers clarity in building up all life spheres such as partnership, parenthood, health, business, and professional realization. In particular, it helps in establishing relationships in one's inner and outer world so that peacefulness and contentment can come into life, despite the fact that movement towards goals will become more effective. 

To achieve such a results, it's necessary to keep focus on three principles of well-being in all systems: belonging, order and exchange. After some time, you'll be doing this automatically.

If to understand the workings of patterns and loyalties, which cause life situations to repeat themselves all the time, and see their influence over you, then their impact will weaken.

And then, when making important decisions, one question remains to ask: Is this my desire or is life itself pushes me towards it? By going with the flow of life, you can more fully connect with its beauty, your true goals, and your potential. Money, love, and health will become a great addition to all of this.

The systemic approach can be integrated into any professional activity, can become an effective instrument of consultancy of individuals and organizations or be applied for personal growth. By recognizing the value of this method, I'm actively involved in popularizing systemic work in the cross-cultural space. I invite you to join our programs!

I also invite educational systemic and coaching organizations to collaborate!

Maya van der Heijdt - Vasilyeva

12th of September 2023