Jan Jacob Stam - Constellations on Societal Issues


Constellations on Societal Issues



More than ever the field around us is shaped by societal issues. There are many societal issues in our context at the moment, coming very close to our daily lives. Issues that unite us, issues that separate us. Issues that somehow impact us. We can try to close our eyes for them, avoid them or face them.


What can the systemic perspective and systemic constellations contribute to the bigger and smaller, the more global and more local societal issues?


It’s not about miracles nor solutions. It’s about exploring and maybe shifting perspectives. It’s about our ancestors and history, about nowness and about the generations and future to come. It’s about becoming aware of patterns and releasing life energy to flow in inspiration and maybe action.


Jan Jacob Stam



What to expect?

At this seminar, Jan Jacob Stam will facilitate at least one constellation on a societal issue. Afterwards, he will explain about the do’s and don’ts and his choices. There will be space for Q&A. And he will give some examples of cases he did before.



For whom?


• For systemic spesialists
• For consultants and coaches
• For company owners and leaders
• For representatives of governmental organisations
• For journalists
• For everyone who is interested



About Jan Jacob Stam


Jan Jacob Stam - world-known researcher of societal systems. Implements systemic innovations and awakens systemic consciousness in the organisations.


Consults corporations and governmental organisations in the Netherlands and around the world.


Author of 7 books, gives educational programs in more than 30 countries.


Founder of Bert Hellinger Institute (Netherlands), co-founder and partner of TeamConnect, works as an independent researcher.



Time and Dates: 

15.00 CET - 18.00 CET


08 November 2023


Price: 35 Euro



How the workshop is organised?


The workshop is held in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish and Russian.


The link to the Zoom conference is sent to the participants the day before the start and again an hour before. Please check the Spam folder if you haven't received the link. Please add This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to the email Address book.


If you have any questions or haven't received the link, please let us know at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or contact workshop moderators:


para las personas hispanohablantes: Marta Uxó de la Yglesia +34 607 38 10 06

для носителей русского языка: Maya van der Heijdt - Vasilyeva +31 646 90 95 85


We are honoured to have you join the seminar!

The link to the Zoom conference is sent to the participants the day before the start and again an hour before. Please check the Spam folder if you haven't received the link.

If you have any questions or haven't received the link, please let us know at info@systemic-leadership.global or contact course moderators:

  • for English language speakers: Daria Les, +37128012758
  • para las personas hispanohablantes: Marta Uxó de la Yglesia +34 607 38 10 06
  • для носителей русского языка: Maya van der Heijdt - Vasilyeva +31 646 90 95 85

To register please fill in your contact details and course application questions.

We are honoured to receive your application and will contact you shortly after your registration!